Saturday, June 5, 2010

Motors? Yes Motors!!!!

There has been allot of buzz on-line and in the shop about this video:

I feel that this is convincing proof that such a device does exist but I am not convinced that Cancellara used it.

That said, I recently tested a version of "Bike Doping" being developed locally.

Here is a closer look at the set up:

Testing so far is going well. Further refinement is needed to get it past the UCI inspectors....

Stay tuned !!!!


  1. All you need are some sweet fairings to hide the engine and fuel tank and you will be ready to sneak it past any UCI official!
    I can't see Cancellera having used any would mean the mechanics are in on it as well as who knows how many other people. Way to risky.

  2. I like the Squamolian version better. At least they're not trying to cheat anything and it's truly a good time!
    Although I am looking forward to see 900g mechanism at the Republic Bicycles! I should definitely have one on my cross bike!
