Monday, December 27, 2010

Surly riders are tough as...

Just when I was feeling all tough about putting the time on the trainer I come across this:

Tougher than me that's for sure.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Only in Brackendale

On Saturday I decided i needed to get out on the bike. It just needed doing. Just before I left the shop I had heard the power was out in some parts of the 'hood. I thought nothing of it as it was snowing and these things happen some times when it snows around these parts. About two minutes into our ride we came across this:

So yeah....this poor bugger fried himself on the power lines near Barr's pond. Something to add to the list of things that cause power outages in Brackendale!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Music for the Holidays

What I can understand of this I like. I will need to take my Irish friend Pete up on his offer to translate further........not really very PG fair warning.

Instant classic!